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BE-103 Introduction to substainable Engineering Model question Paper


Part A

(Answer ALL Questions).

Q. A1. (a) i) Illustrate the three pillar model of sustainability. (2 marks)

ii) Comment on the challenges for sustainable development in our country and

suggest a way to overcome the same. (3 marks)


(b) i) Enumerate the major indentations of the Air Act. (3 marks)

ii) What is the main motto of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)? Relate

the same to the suggestions of Kyoto protocol. (2 marks)

Q. A2. a. Densely populated areas are suffering major issues in the field of solid waste and

waste water management.

i. Relate this statement with the current situation in our state. (2)

ii. Suggest any three sustainable methods each for the solid waste and waste water

management system. (3)


b. Explain the significance of carbon footprint. Suggest some methods for reducing the

carbon footprint of your house.

Q. A3. a. Life cycle assessment takes the concept of “cradle to grave”. Explain this with any



b. A hospital is situated in the middle of a densely populated area. What are the possible

environmental impacts that can happen to the surroundings? Suggest any methods

for reducing these impacts.

Q. A4. a. Take an example of green building. How it differs from a conventional building.

Compare in any six aspects.


b. A new commercial building is constructing in your city. Suggest some methods to

the builder for getting a four star GRIHA rated building.

Q. A5. a. Differentiate between conventional and non conventional energy sources. Which will

you support? Why?


b. In future, the sources of fossil fuels become rare and extinct. Suggest some methods to

overcome this crisis.

Q. A6. (a). With the help of a sketch, explain the working of a solar photovoltaic system.


(b). “We can create a more Sustainable, cleaner and safer world by making wiser

energy choices.” Evaluate the importance of the quote and discuss on the various

NonConventional Energy Sources.

Q. A7. a. Slum formation is the major threat for urbanization. Discuss the reasons behind slum

formation and the issues caused by slum in urban areas.


b. Transportation sector is the major source of pollution in the cities. What are the factors

pointing to this statement? Suggest some methods to deal with traffic issues in urban


Q. A8. a. Industrialization was the major turning point in the history. How did industrialization

change the way of human life?


b. Engineering practices and technology can help to move the product, processes and

systems developed by society towards sustainability. Substantiate this statement.

(Total 8 x 5 = 40 Marks)

Part B

(Read the Stories/Cases/Data set as the case may be, and answer ALL questions. Each FULL

question carries 10 Marks.)

Sample Story/Case 1

Air pollution in Asia has worsened since 2000 and is responsible for deaths of thousands of

people in Beijing, Jakarta, Seoul and Manila. The pollution is a result of the use of fossil fuels

by the industry and transport sectors. The problem got aggravated in Asia due to the use of

poor quality fuel, inefficient method of energy production, use of vehicles in poor condition

and traffic congestion. This was revealed during a research conducted by World Bank and

Stockholm Development Institute. The research states that air pollution in the continent has

surpassed the combined emissions in Europe and North America. The deaths caused by fine

particulate matter far exceed those caused by sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, ozone and lead.

The health cost in major Asian cities now exceed for 15-18 percent of urban income

expenditure, claims World Bank officials.

Module 1

QB1. (a). Identify any one component that need to be addressed towards attaining social,

economic and environmental sustainability in the case illustrated.


(b). Compare the given situation in the cities stated in the text with any major Indian

city. Do you see any such catastrophe to happen/is happening here? Why?


(c). Which multilateral environmental agreement(s) in the past think was proposed

to curb the growing impact of pollution on humanity specific to the nations

discussed here? Also highlight the instrument of action that is applicable in this



(d). A project under Clean Development Mechanism is to be proposed to contain

the growing air pollution in the countries discussed, at the same time tackling a

development initiative. Could you propose a CDM initiative that might be used in

all the regions discussed here? Focus your answer showing the impact on the

populace and the activity.

KTU B.Tech 2015 First Semester Examination Model Question Paper 

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