Engineering Chemistry (CY100) Second Semester 2016 Final Question Paper
Course Code : CY10O
Max. Marks: 100 Duration :3 Hours
PART— A Answerall questions, each question carries 2 marks.
1. Which of the following nuclei can give NMR spectrum ? Give reason. a) H b) C c) F d) O
2. At 25°C the standard emf of a cell having reaction involving two electron charge is found to be 0.295 V. Calculate the equilibrium constant of the reaction.
3. The specific conductivity of N/50 KCI solution at 25°C is 0.0002765 ohm-' cm-'. If the resistance of the cell containing this solution is 500 ohm, what is the cell constant ?
4. What are co-polymers ? Give an example.
5. Distinguish between gross and net calorific values of fuel.
6. What is meant by cetane value of a diesel fuel ?
7. Hard water will not give a ready lather with soap solution. Give the chemical explanation.
8. Why do we express hardness of water in terms of CaCO3 equivalent?
(8x2=16 Marks)
Answer all questions, each question carries 3 marks.
9. The vibrational frequency of HCl molecule is 2886cm-'. Calculate the force constant of the molecule. Reduced mass of HCl is 1.63 x 10'27 kg.
10. What is meant by potentiometric titrations ? Mention two merits of potentiometric titrations.
11. Give the principle of column chromatography. List the various steps to be undertaken in this method.
12. Draw the structure of bifunctional silicon chloride. How silicone rubber prepared from it ?
13. An oil of unknown viscosity-index has a Saybolt universal viscosity of 58 seconds at 210°F and of 580 seconds at 100°F. The high viscosity index standard (Pennsylvanian) oil has Saybolt viscosity of 58 seconds at 210°F and 430 seconds at 100°F. The low viscosity index standard (Gulf oil) has a Saybolt universal viscosity of 58 seconds at 210°F and 780 seconds at 100°F. Calculate the viscosity index of oil sample.
14. What is natural gas ? Distinguish between LNG and CNG.
15. What is disinfection ? Give the advantages and disadvantages of UV disinfection of water.
16. A sample of water on analysis gives following results. Ca2+ =320 mg/L,Mg2+=72mg/L, HCO3-= 610 mg/L,Cl-=355 mg/L and Na+= 23 mg/L. Calculate the temporary and permanent hardness of water sample.
(8x3=24 Marks)
PART— C Each question carries 10 marks.
17. a) How can you distinguish NMR spectrum of CH3CH2Cl and CH3CHCl2 applying the concept of spin-spin splitting ?
b) Which of the following molecules show UV-visible absorption ? Give reason
(i) ethane (ii) butadiene (iii) benzene (iv) phenol
c) What is a spectrometer ? Write the principal components of UV-visible spectrometer. (3+3+4)
18. a) Predict NMR spectrum of CH3 — CHCI —CH3. b) Write the theory of vibrational spectroscopy.
c) Sketch the various modes of vibrations possible for CO2. Which are IR active ? Write reason for your answer. (3+2+5)
19. a) What is meant by standard electrode potential ? How would you measure the single electrode potential of an electrode using a saturated calomel electrode ?
b)find the single electrode potential for copper metal in contact with 0.1 M cu2+ solution at 298 K. E0 cu2+/cu = 0.34 v
c)How is glaelgctrode constructed ? What is its use ? (4+2+3l)
20. a) Write electrode reaction and expression for the electrode potential of following electrodes :
i) Metal-metal ion electrode ii) Gas electrode iii) Metal-metal insoluble salt electrode iv) Redox electrode.
b) How will you explain the working of H2 — 02 fuel cell ? Draw a neat labelled diagram of the cell. (4+6)
21. a) What is t ? List two techniques of it. Compare their principles.
b)write the basic components of a gas chromatographic instrument. Draw the diagram of a gas chromatograph. (6+4)
22. a) Write the procedure for doing column chromatography.
b) What is HPLC ? Draw a labelled diagram of HPLC instrument. Write its two important applications. (5+5)
23. a) What are conducting polymers ? Write the structure of two conducting polymers.
b) Write a note on structure and applications of fullerene.
c) Write a note on biological nanomaterials (3+4+3)
24. a) What are carbon nanotubes ? How are they classified ? State their two applications.
b) Write the structure and two applications of Keylar. (6+4)
25. a) Differentiate between vegetable oil and mineral oil lubricants.
b) Write the working of a Bomb calorimeter for determining the calorific value of a solid fuel with the help of a neat diagram. (3+7)
26. a) What are lubricants ? How are they classified on the basis of their physical state ? What are their important functions ?
b) Write any four desirable properties of a lubricant and indicate the significance of the properties. (5+5)
27. a) What is the main purpose of secondary sewage water treatment ? Explain
trickling filter process.
b) What is desalination ? How is it performed by reverse process ? (5+5)
28. a) How is UASB process useful in waste water treatment ?
b) What are the factors which governs the amount of dissolved oxygen in water ? (5+5)
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