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Basics of Electronics Engineering Syllabus S1&S2 2015-16

Course No. : EC100
L-T-P-Credits : 2-1-0-3

Course Objectives
1.        To get basic idea about types, specification and common values of passive components.
2.        To familiarize the working and characteristics of diodes, transistors, MOSFETS and some measuring instruments.  
3.        To understand working of diodes in circuits and in rectifiers.


Evolution  and Impact of Electronics in industries and in society, Familiarization of Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, Transformers and Electro mechanical components, PN Junction diode: Structure, Principle of operation, Photo diode, LED, Solar cell, Bipolar Junction Transistors: Structure, Principle of operation, characteristics, Rectifiers and power supplies: Half wave and full wave rectifier, capacitor filter, zener voltage regulator, Amplifiers and Oscillators: common emitter amplifier, feedback, oscillators, RC phase shift oscillator, Analogue Integrated circuits: operational amplifier, inverting and non-inverting amplifier, comparator, Electronic Instrumentation: digital multimeter, digital storage oscilloscope, function generator, Radio communication: principle of AM & FM, super heterodyne receiver, Radar system: Principle, block diagram of pulsed radar, Satellite communication: geo-stationary satellite, transponder, Global Positioning System, Mobile communication: cellular communications, cells, GSM, Optical communication: system, principle of light transmission through fiber, Entertainment Electronics: Color television, cable TV, CCTV system, HDTV, LCD & LED displays.

Expected outcome

Student can identify the active and passive electronic components. Student can setup simple circuits using diodes and transistors. Student will get fundamental idea about basic communication systems and entertainment electronics. 

References Books:
      Bell, D. A., Electronic Devices and Circuits, Oxford University Press
      Boylested, R. L. and Nashelsky, L., Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory, Pearson Education
      Frenzel, L. E., Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, Mc Graw Hill
      Kennedy, G. and Davis, B., Electronic Communication Systems, Mc Graw Hill 

      Tomasy, W., Advanced Electronic Communication system, PHI Publishers

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