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Civil Engineering Workshop Syllabus for S1&S2 2015-16

Course No. : CE110

L-T-P-Credits : 0-0-2-1

List of Exercises / Experiments (Minimum of 8 mandatory)
(For Civil Engineering Branch)

 Setting out of a building: The student should set out a building (single room only) as per the given building plan using tape only.
Setting out of a building: The student should set out a building (single room only) as per the given building plan using tape and cross staff. 
Construct a wall of height 50 cm and wall thickness 1½ bricks using English bond (No mortar required) - corner portion – length of side walls 60 cm. 
Construct a wall of height 50 cm and wall thickness 2 bricks using English bond (No mortar required) - corner portion – length of side walls 60 cm.
Compute the area and/or volume of various features of a building/structure such as   door and window size, number of bricks required to construct a wall of a building, diameter of bars used in windows etc. – To create an awareness of measurements and units (use tape or other simple measuring instruments like vernier caliper, screw gauge etc.). 
Testing of building materials:  The student should do the compression testing of any three construction materials and compare the strength (brick, hollow block, laterite block, cement concrete cube, stone block, and so on). 
Computation of Centre of gravity and Moment of inertia of a given rolled steel section by actual measurements. 
Introduction to simple plumbing and sanitary fittings.
Home assignment 1: Preparation of a building model - The students in batches should prepare and submit a building model for a given plinth area in a given site plan constrained by a boundary wall.  The minimum requirements of a residential building viz., drawing cum dining room, one bed room and a kitchen should be included.   The concept of an energy efficient building should also be included in the model. 
Home assignment 2: Report preparation -The student should collect the construction details of any one unique Civil Engineering structure, prepare and submit a detailed report with neat illustrations. 
Home assignment 3: Report preparation - The students should collect samples of building materials, prepare and submit a detailed report including their market rates.

(For branches other than Civil Engineering)

Setting out of a building: The student should set out a building (single room only) as per the given building plan using tape only.
Setting out of a building: The student should set out a building (single room only) as per the given building plan using tape and cross staff.
Building area computation: The student should prepare a rough sketch of a given single storeyed building and by taking linear measurements compute plinth area and carpet area of the given building. 
Construct a wall of at least a height of 500mm and wall thickness 1brick using English bond (No mortar required) - corner portion – length of side walls at least 600mm.
Compute the area and/or volume of various features of a building/structure such as   door and window size, number of bricks required to construct a wall of a building, diameter of bars used in windows etc. – To create an awareness of measurements and units (use tape or other simple measuring instruments like vernier calipers, screw gauge etc.). 
Horizontal measurements:  Find the area of an irregular polygon set out on the field. 
Vertical measurements: Find the level difference between any two points.
Computation of Centre of gravity and Moment of inertia of a given rolled steel section by sketching and measurements.  
Home assignment 1: Preparation of a building model - The students in batches should prepare and submit a building model for a given plinth area in a given site plan constrained by a boundary wall.  The minimum requirements of a residential building viz., drawing cum dining room, one bed room and a kitchen should be included.   The concept of an energy efficient building should also be included in the model. 
Home assignment 2: Report preparation - The student should collect the construction details of an industrial building related to their branch of study, prepare and submit a detailed report with neat illustrations. 
Home assignment 3: Report preparation - The students should collect samples of building materials, prepare and submit a detailed report about their market rates.

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